Meaning of syriac and greek words

Abo Father
Aboon Our Father
Adamo do seno Until I come
Ahai My Brothern
Aloho God
Aman Amen So be it, with us
Anido Departed Soul
Bathraihum-menaoolam ol meenaameen For ever in the two worlds Amen
Amen So be it
Barekmor Bless me o Lord
Beskudissa Place of holiness
Bovooso Songs of intercession
Bro Son
Burksa That which is blessed
Damo Blood
Danaha Resurrection
Dukarono Rememberance
Eehidayakar Solitary living person
Ereyar Angel who is always awake
Ekbo Foot or stanza
Emo Mother
Eniyono Meditative Songs
Ethro Prayer with incence
Episcopos Bishop
Evengelion (Greek) Gospel
Habibai My beloved one
Haleluyya Praise the Lord
Hoosoyo A prayer of propititation
Hoothomo Concluding prayer
Hoso vabu Koola suban Now and always and for ever and ever
Kadeesanmar Saints
Kadeesathaloho Holy art thou O God
Kadeeso Saint
Kahanenmar Priests
Kahanoosa Priestly duty
Kaseese Elder Pries
Kolos Hymns
Kukilion A verse of Psalms
Kuriyelaison (Greek) O Lord have mercy
Kymtha Resurrection
Luthiniya Petition responded with corresponding words
Maneeso Songs of praise
Masumoor Psalms
Mavurba Song of mary
Mena olom vada melovolam ol meena meen As it was from the beginning and shall be for ever and ever Amen
Moran esraham Melayin O Lord have mercy upon us
Moran Husrahem Melayin O Lord have mercy upon us with kindness
Morio Lord
Morio rahen Melyn Uadaryn Lord have mercy upon us and help us
Moronoyo Concerning the Lord
Msamsono Deacon
Msheeho He who is anointed
Nehavoon Be with
Nibiyanmar Prophets
Oritha The five books of Moses
Oyar Sky
Phagaro Body
Praksees Acts of the Apostles
Promeon Preface
Rooho Spirit
Rusma Sign
Sadeeke Righteous person
Sahada Martyr
Samio Blind
Sedro A prefortory prayer which comes in order
Selum bashslomo Go in peace
Shyno Good will
Shyno - u - slomo Good will and peace
Slomo Peace
Sleeho Apostle
Soonoyo Ascension of Mary
Slooso Prayer
Srapikal Angels with six wings
Sthoumankalos Let us stand will
Subaho Labo Labro Valo Rooho Kaseesho Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the holy spirit
Subaho Lok Moran Glory to you o Lord
Subaho Lok Sabran Lo - Olam Praise to you our Helper for ever
Subukono Remission of sin
Thubden But again
Thooyobo Preparation for service in secret.
Yeldo Birth of Christ

Glossary of Orthodox Terms

ABSOLUTION The prayer offered by a bishop or presbyter for the forgiveness of sins. Following His glorious Resurrection, Christ breathed on His Apostles and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained" John 20:22, 23). This gift of proclaiming God's forgiveness of sins remains forever in the Church. It is exercised in the sacraments of baptism and confession—the reconciliation to the Church of Christian believers who have sinned and repented. The priest or bishop is the witness who bears testimony to the repentance; only God forgives sins (see 1 John 1).

ADVENT A period of prayer, repentance, and fasting in preparation for Christmas. The word stems from the Latin word for "coming"; during the fast the faithful prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. See 

AMEN "So be it" in Hebrew. Amen is said or sung at the close of a prayer or hymn, showing the agreement of the people to what has been said (Deut. 27:15 26; 1 Cor. 14:16).

ANNUNCIATION (Suboro) March 25, the visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to inform her that she had been chosen to bear Christ, the Son of God. The Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated exactly nine months before Christmas. Mary's Son was no ordinary child, but God's divine Son and Word in human flesh (see Luke 1; Is. 7:14; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:1-14).

APOSTLE Literally, "one who is sent." Apostle is used as a title for the Twelve Disciples who formed the foundation of the NT Church, replacing, symbolically, the twelve tribes of Israel. In order to maintain this symbolism, Matthias was elected to replace Judas (Acts 1:15 26). The word is also used of the Seventy (or 72) sent by Christ, as well as of Paul, the repentant persecutor whom the risen Jesus sent as "apostle to the Gentiles" (Rom. 11:13). 

ASCENSION (Suloqo) The ascent of Christ to Heaven following His Resurrection as Son of God in the flesh (Luke 24:50, 51; Acts 1:9-11). Christ's Ascension completes the union of God and humanity, for a Man who is God now reigns in Heaven.

ASSUMPTION (Shunoyo) A feast day (August 15), commemorating the "falling asleep" of the Virgin Mary.

BAPTISM Literally, "to be plunged" The sacrament whereby one is born again, buried with Christ, resurrected with Him and united to Him. In baptism, one becomes a Christian and is joined to the Church. In Christ's baptism, water was set apart unto God as the means by which the Holy Spirit would bring to us new life and entrance into the heavenly Kingdom (see Rom. 6; Matt. 3:13)

BENEDICTION Literally, "good word"; blessing. Benedictions were given by Christ (Luke 24:50, 51) and by the Apostles (2 Cor. 13:14), and are given by the bishop or priest at the close of every Divine Liturgy.

CHIRSTMAS (Yeldo) A feast day (December 25), commemorating the Nativity of our Lord

COMMUNION A common union of the most intimate kind, enjoyed by Christians with God and with each other in the Church. This communion is especially realized in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist John 6:56; 1 Cor. 10:16, 17).

COMPLINE (Soutoro) Daily canonical prayers said after dusk. It is often combined with Vespers to form an all-night vigil.

CONFESSION (1) The avowal or verbal witness of faith in Christ, leading to salvation (Rom. 10:9). (2) The sacrament of the forgiveness of sins, whereby the repentant sinner confesses his sins to Christ in the presence of the priest, who pronounces God's absolution of those sins (see 1 John; John 20:22, 23; 1 John 1:9).

COVENANT An agreement or testament between men or between God and His people. In the Old Testament, God chose the people of Israel, ending with John the Baptist, to prepare the way for the coming of His Only Begotten Son. Through Christ, the covenant was perfected, and the promises of God to Abraham and the Jews are fulfilled through the Church, the New Israel, the New Covenant people of God. See Gen. 13:14-16; Gal. 3:6-9; 1 Pet. 2:9, 10.

CREED A statement of belief. Creeds in their earlier forms were used by the apostles, and many are recorded in the New Testament (Eph. 5:14; 1 Tim. 3:16; 2 Tim. 2:11-13). The creed used throughout the Church was adopted at the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325 and expanded at the Council of Constantinople in A.D. 381 and Council of Ephesus (A.D. 431). The Nicene Creed is used at baptisms, the Divine Liturgy, and in personal daily prayers.

DEDICATION OF THE CHURCH (Hoodhosh Eetho) The Sunday after Koodhosh Eetho is called Hoodhosh Eetho (Dedication of Church) Sunday.

DORMITION (Shunoyo) see Assumption

EASTER (Qyomto) The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, also known as Pascha (from the Hebrew word for Passover). Christ proclaimed Himself as the true Passover and offered Himself as a sacrifice. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter according to the decree of the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325: the first Sunday following the first full moon following the spring equinox.

Epiphany see Theophany

EUCHARIST Taken from a Greek word meaning "thanksgiving," Eucharist designates Holy Communion, the central act of Christian worship. At the Last Supper Christ gave thanks (Matt. 26:27; 1 Cor. 11:24), and embodied in the communion service is our Own thanksgiving. 

EVANGELIST One who preaches the gospel; used especially of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who wrote the four NT Gospels.

FEAST OF THE HOLY CROSS (Slibo) (September 14) Exaltation of the Cross

FASTING An ascetic exercise whereby one gives up certain foods, usually meat and dairy products, as a means of disciplining the body. Fasting is a part of the ascetic life and a sign of repentance. Orthodox Christians fast on most Wednesdays and Fridays (in memory of the betrayal and crucifixion of Christ) and during fasting seasons: (1) Nativity Fast, in preparation for the Nativity of Christ (2) Nineveh Fast, the three-day fast commemorates the three days Jonah spent in the belly of the fish and also the repentance of the city of Nineveh (3) Great Lent, forty days before Palm Sunday and the week before Easter, (4) Holy Apostles Fast
, two weeks before the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul (June 29); and (5) Dormition Fast, two weeks before the Feast of the Falling Asleep of the Virgin Mary (Aug. 15). See Matt. 6:16; Rom. 13:14; Gal. 5:16, 17.

GENTILE A non-Jew. Christ and His Apostles preached the gospel first to the Jews, who were chosen by God to prepare the way for the Messiah. Christ died for all, Jew and Gentile; thus, salvation is offered to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews. Those Gentiles who believe in Christ become the true sons of Abraham, who was chosen by God before the Law was given. See Acts 11; 15:1-29; Rom. 1:16; Gal. 3:6-9.

GOOD FRIDAY (Hasho) Crucifixion and death of Jesus

HOURS The main hours of the day, each hour commemorates a special event, as follows:
First hour (6:00 A.M.): Thanksgiving for the new morning and prayer for a sinless day.
Third hour (9:00 A.M.): the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
Sixth hour (12:00 noon): the nailing of Christ to the Cross.
Ninth hour (3:00 P.M.): the death of Christ.

IMMANUEL "God is with us," a title of Christ the Messiah, God in the flesh (Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:22, 23).

INCARNATE From Latin, meaning "to become flesh." Christ is God Incarnate: He became flesh—that is, human—thereby sanctifying human flesh and reuniting all humanity to God. According to Orthodox doctrine, Jesus Christ is perfect God and perfect Man (Luke 1:26 38; John 1:1-14; Phil. 2:5-7).

INTERCESSION Supplication to God in behalf of another person. Christ intercedes before God the Father in behalf of the repentant sinner, and God's people intercede for one another (see Is. 53:12; Jer. 27:18; Rom. 8:34).

LITURGY The work or public service of the people of God, which is the worship of the one true God. The Divine Liturgy is the Eucharistic service of the Orthodox Church.

MARTYR Literally, "a witness." Normally, the term is used to describe those who give their lives for Christ. Martyria has two meanings: (1) witness or testimony, especially that which God bears to Christians, and which Christians bear to the world; and (2) martyrdom, especially Christ's Passion, and the martyrdom of Christians for the faith (see John 1:6-15; Acts 6:8—7:60).

MAUNDY THURSDAY (Phesaho) Washing of the feet and the Last Supper though which Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

MESSIAH The Christ, the anointed one of God. Jesus Christ is the Messiah, fulfilling all the promises made by God to His chosen people (see Is. 7:14; 9:6; Matt. 16:13 17).

LENT The fifty day fast preceding Easter for the spiritual preparation of the faithful to observe the feast of the Resurrection. 

MATINS (Sapro) Daily canonical prayers said at dawn.

PALM SUNDAY (Hosanna) The Sunday before Easter, commemorating the triumphal entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. 

PARABLE A story told to illustrate a greater truth through images related to the daily lives of the hearers. Christ's teaching is filled with parables (see article, "Parables," at Matt. 13; Matt. 13:1-54).

PENTECOST A feast celebrated fifty days after Easter, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the disciples of Christ. It is considered to be the birthday of Christianity.

PHARISEES One of the parties of first-century Judaism. The Pharisees favored strict legalistic application of traditional interpretations of the Law stemming from oral Jewish traditions. Unlike the Sadducees, they believed in angels and in the resurrection of the dead. The Pharisees were generally hostile to the mission of Christ, who condemned their excessive legalism and their preoccupation with outward forms, ignoring true righteousness of the heart. See Matt. 3:7; 12:14; 22:34; 23:13-36. See also SADDUCEES.

PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD (Ma`altho) A feast day (February 2), commemorating the day when infant Jesus was presented in the temple. Also called the day of the Old Aged. Memory of St. Simon and St. Hanna.

PROKEIMENON Literally, "gradual introduction". A liturgical verse or scriptural passage sung or read before the reading of the Epistle. It serves as an introduction to the theme of this particular reading.

REDEMPTION The deliverance of humanity from sin and death by Christ, who assumed humanity by His Incarnation, conquered sin and death by His life-giving death and glorious Resurrection, releases those who are in captivity to the evil one, and unites humanity to God by His Ascension (Gal. 3:13; Heb. 9:15). See also DEIFICATION and SALVATION.

REMISSION The forgiveness and putting aside of sins. As the faithful are released from their sins through the sacramental life of the Church, they in turn are called to remit the sins of any who have offended them See John 20:23; Acts 2:37, 38.

RESURRECTION The reunion of the soul and body after death which will revitalize and transform the physical body into a spiritual body. Jesus Himself is the firstfruits of perfect resurrection; He will never again be subject to death. Because He conquered death by His Resurrection, all will rise again: the righteous to life with Christ, the wicked to judgment. See John 5:28, 29; 1 Cor. 15:35 55.

SADDUCEES A party in Judaism at the time of Christ. The Sadducees steadfastly held to a literal interpretation of the Law contained in the first five books of the Old Testament (the Pentateuch or Torah), and rejected traditional interpretations favored by other groups of Jews, especially the Pharisees. Sadducees came from the priestly class and rejected the resurrection of the dead and the existence of angels. Christ condemned these Jewish leaders for their preoccupation with outward forms, ignoring or neglecting true righteousness of the heart (Matt. 16:1-12).

SANCTIFICATION OF THE CHURCH (Koodhosh Eetho) The Sunday that comes on of after October 30th, marks the beginning of the church calendar.

SHEHIMO PRAYERS Daily canonical prayers of the Orthodox Church according to the West Syriac liturgical tradition. (see Matins, Compline, Vespers)

SUNDAY OF THE LEPER (Garbo) Second Sunday of the Great Lent

SUNDAY OF THE PARALYTIC (M'Shario) Third Sunday of the Great Lent

SUNDAY OF THE CANANITE WOMAN (Knanaitho) Fourth Sunday of the Great Lent

SUNDAY OF THE CRIPPLE WOMAN (Kpiptho) Fifth Sunday of the Great Lent

SUNDAY OF THE BLIND MAN (Samiyo) Sixth Sunday of the Great Lent

THEOPHANY (Denho) A feast day (January 6), commemorating the baptism of Christ, and celebrating the 'manifestation' of God in the Holy Trinity.

THEOTOKOS God-bearer, birth-giver, frequently translated "Mother of God." Because Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, Mary is called the Mother of God to profess our faith that in the Incarnation, God was in her womb. Elizabeth called Mary "blessed" and "the mother of my Lord" (Luke 1:42, 43). At the Council of Ephesus in A.D. 431, the Church condemned Nestorius and other heretics who refused to call the Virgin Mary the Theotokos. For if it was not God in Mary's womb, there is no salvation for humanity.

TRANSFIGURATION (Mtalé) A change or transformation. A feast day (August 6), commemorating when Christ was transfigured on Mt. Tabor, showing He is God in the flesh (Matt. 17:1-8). Christians are called to be transformed by the Holy Spirit into the image and likeness of God (Rom. 12:1, 2). 

VESPERS (Ramsho) Daily canonical prayers held in the evening, which is mainly a Thanksgiving prayer for the closing day and a welcome of the new one to come the following morning.